Episode 2, BONUS:  Bonus: Suing the Shelter, an Interview with Sharon Logan

Ryan interviews Sharon Logan about her successful lawsuit against Orange County Animal Control, and where OCAC is now. This is in preparation for Sharon's upcoming interview about her new, just filed, lawsuit against the San Diego Humane Society.

This interview was scheduled to be part of our weekly podcast, but we are releasing it now so you can get caught up on what Sharon Logan has done in the rescue community so far. In early July we will talk with Sharon again about her just filed lawsuit against the San Diego Humane Society. Curious about the "Wheel of Death" that Sharon refers to? Here is the video that got her kicked out of OCAC:

An LA Times article on resignation of the shelter director:

Sharon Logan's rescue: https://pawprotectors.org/

Questions? Opinions? Requests? Just wanna talk? Email us here: rescuereportpodcast@gmail.com 


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